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Living With Honor … Always Does More Good Than We Could Ever Imagine

Lately, I have been thinking about how we can make the most impact in the days that we are living in.

I know that we will need to pray all the more … but how should we pray? I am aware that we will need to position ourselves strategically … but where is that to be actually? We do need to stage up properly and be well-prepared … but knowing just what to do is a challenge?

As I lingered here, I began to see that in living with honor, all of these things become known to us … and it is the reach and reward of living with honor that we are to seek after.

It is in living with honor that we will learn how to maximize our spiritual potential and have the opportunity to live it out … boldly and redemptively.

The truth is that …

Living With Honor … Always Does More Good Than We Could Ever Imagine

Think about this with me!

Living with honor …

▪ allows our personal faith to be more powerfully inspired
▪ assures that we will feel stronger, safer, and more satisfied
▪ affirms that faithfulness will be profoundly nurtured in the lives of those closest to us
▪ awakens us to be more enabled, engaged, and expectant
▪ accesses the favor of God so that great blessing can come to our cities and nations
▪ always gives birth to righteousness that can not be restricted or resisted

Many biblical exhortations seek to instruct us, inspire us, and even invite us to see the enduring value of living with honor. These descriptions are powerfully presented in the Psalms and the Proverbs and we see them being repeated in the Gospels and the writings of Paul.

We also have classic biblical examples that demonstrate to us that all those who live with honor prosper … and all those who do not suffer great loss.

Living With Honor … Always Does More Good Than We Could Ever Imagine

Sadly, this is not an admired cultural value and we suffer greatly from the consequences of that reality.

In his article, “Living in a Culture of Honor”, John Ramsey clearly states our challenge, “We live in a culture and age of dishonor. Whether on radio or television, the airwaves are bombarded with talk shows that seem to be discussing whose reputation they wish to destroy today. Slowly, but surely, the cruel rhetoric and bitter criticism can soon begin to creep in and infect the attitudes of our culture. If we are not careful, we can begin to think and talk in the same dishonoring way. Dishonor becomes something we accept as normal. It impacts our minds and warps the way we see and think about others. When we dishonor others, it is a sure sign we are thinking only of ourselves. The Bible says we are to love others as ourselves, even honor them. Honoring from a pure motive is possible only when we have a proper perspective of who God is, what we are, and who others are in relation to God and to us. It begins with deep honor and respect for God and for what He says in His Word. I dream of what it would be like In our society if everyone followed this principle of honor.”

John, we are dreaming with you!

This is not just the longing of our hearts, it is literally the focus of the law and love of God. He is leading us to “living with honor”.

This passionate appeal from John’s article truly resonates with my heart and I pray it does the same for you.

“This is God’s way. This is God’s standard. The more honor we give, the more honor we will also receive. Tough as it may be, we should make it our aim to honor everyone—all the time.”

Living With Honor … Always Does More Good Than We Could Ever Imagine

We will need to count the cost, prepare ourselves to pay the price … and having done that, we will need to get ready to see the reach and reward of living with honor … revolutionaize our hearts and our world!

Saying yes to this changes everything!


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