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Change Is Clarifying … So, It Should Be Co-created

I love change!

I know that we have the possibility to be better, to do more and to find increasing fulfillment in life. I also know that we have been given the promise of ever-increasing faith, abundant life and a love that is without borders.

All of these are dependent on us having an appetite for change … and here is the specific reality that I want us to consider.

Change Is Clarifying … So, It Should Be Co-created

Fundamentally, change is clarifying, and it is needed for us to become all that God intends for us to be … and do.

We will need to discern the movement of the Father and stay in step with Him. His path is straight and sure, and His ways are perfectly planned.

Every arena of our lives will be positively impacted by the embrace of clarifying change.

Because these things are true … here is one more step for us to take …

Change Is Clarifying … So, It Should Be Co-created

Co-creation is a strategy that brings together multiple parties to jointly produce a mutually valued outcome. (Carsten Tams)

This is essential!

Clarifying change is so critical to us that we dare not go it alone,

We know that there is safety in a multitude of counselors (Proverbs 24:6) and that two are always better than one because they have a more satisfying return for their labor. (Ecclesiastes 4:9)

Here is how John Williams, co-founder of WikiSolutions describes this, “Co-creation works because even the most creative people rarely know the full answer, usually they know a part of it. Somewhere someone probably knows another part of the solution, and someone else, and someone else, until a complete picture emerges. By working together, we often come to the solution faster and in a more elegant way”.

It is so important for us to craft a “shared” life journey.

We welcome the wisdom of the Lord to be at work in our lives, we embrace the work of the Spirit to guide us and enable us to gain the great favor of God and we openly invite trusted voices to speak into our lives.

It is doing this that we release clarifying change to radically revolutionize our hearts and minds.

Change Is Clarifying … So, It Should Be Co-created

This is what we have been given, this is what enables is to make the most of every moment and this is what enables us to live our best life.

My hope and prayer is that we will allow all of this to be at work in us.

I know I am in … and you?


2022 THEME
Christ Above, Christ Alone, Christ In All … This Is Our Anthem; This Is Our Call

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